Our Portfolio

Our portfolio is entirely executed with ETFs* and USA stocks

Includes Gold, Dollar, Bonds, and Stocks

Last 10 years it has outperformed S&P 500 reducing the drawdown**

A proprietary filter reduces exposures to stocks and increases the exposure in safe assets during the most volatile periods.

*ETF, known by its acronym Exchange Traded Fund. It is a type of fund that bundles stocks, futures, or other products and, like a stock, can be bought and sold on the stock exchange.

**Drawdown is a measure indicating the maximum loss an investment has experienced in a given period of time.


In comparison to the benchmark (SP500), some values stand out:

The maximum drawdown is $578 (6.9%), compared to $2974 (52.9%) for the SP500.

The longest time in drawdown is 19.3 months, compared to 59.8 months for the SP500.

The total gain is higher by almost 30%.

As a result, the most important metric, Net Profit/maxDD, is 31.1 compared to 2.9 for the SP500.